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Questions To Ask A Bail Bonds Agency

Your friend or family member getting arrested can be stressful, considering that you have to bail them out. Unfortunately, securing their release doesn't come easy as you have to pay bail to the court. But what should you do when you don't have the money to make bail? Well, you'll have to turn to a bail bonds agency to help you out.

A licensed bail bonds agency will pay the required amount to the court to secure the defendant's release. Before you agree to work with a bonds company, ensure you ask the following questions.

How Fast Can You Get the Defendant Out of Jail?

Most people will want to know how fast the bail bonds company can get the defendant out of jail. Well, the truth is most bail bonds agencies can't give the exact timeframe for a defendant's release. However, the agency should tell you how fast they can post bail or fulfill their end of the deal. How fast your friend or relative can be released depends on the jail's processing time.

Can the Agency Help in Your Location?

Bail bonds agencies operate in specific localities. That said, you need to ask whether the bail bonds company serves the location where your friend is held. In most cases, bail bonds companies will only operate in their specific county or city. So, if an agency confirms that they have no power in a certain city or county, keep looking. 

What Is the Service Fee?

The fact that you are using the services of a bail bond agent to post bail for you means you have to pay a service fee. Most companies will charge a 10-15% fee for their services. Remember that the fee is non-refundable. The fee is meant to cushion the company against clients who fail to turn up in court. 

Keep in mind the bondsman can only get their money back when you show up to your court date. Besides, the 10-15% fee is supposed to represent your commitment to pay their bail bonds agency for the service.

Is the Bail Bonds Agency Company Listed with the Better Business Bureau?

Before you sign a contract with the bail bonds agency, you should know whether they are listed with the BBB. Most reputable bail bonds companies that are listed with the BBB care about their reputation. At least they will deliver their services in the best way possible. Also, check their ratings and what people have to say about their services.
