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What Happens If You Skip A Court Hearing?

If you currently have pending criminal charges that you are fighting, you will have court hearings to attend. Attending court hearings for your criminal case is not optional. If you do not attend them, you will face the consequences. What are the implications of not attending a court hearing? There are several. Here are the main ones you should know before you decide to skip your next court hearing. 

The Judge Issues a Bench Warrant

Courts have rules, and they take their rules seriously. When a person does not follow these rules, the person faces the consequences. Missing a court hearing is breaking a rule of the court, and it almost always results in another arrest. Judges typically issue bench warrants when defendants fail to show up to their court hearings. Therefore, if you skip your court appearance, you can expect the judge to issue a warrant for your arrest.

You Go to Jail

When the police find you, and they will, you will return to jail. Skipping court has major repercussions, and this is the primary one. Going back to jail is inconvenient and costly, yet you can prevent it by going to your court appearances. If you want to go back to jail, skip your next court hearing. Doing this will certainly result in more problems.

You Lose Your Bail

If you are facing criminal charges and are not currently in jail, it is likely because you paid bail to get released from jail before your trial. If this is the case, you will lose the bail money you paid for your release. If you hired a bail bond agent for help with your previous release, your bail bond agent would come after you. You will owe them money, and they will find you and return you to jail.

You Need Another Bail Bond

The other thing to realize is that you might need to buy another bail bond if you are in jail for an arrest warrant. You cannot get out of jail without paying a bail bond, yet there are times when courts refuse to offer bail bonds to people who skip court appearances. You can petition the court for a bail bond if they do not initially provide one to you.

When you face criminal charges and skip court, you face a lot of consequences. You should never skip court, and you should always follow all the instructions the court tells you. If you need help with your bail, contact an arrest bail bond agent today.
