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Friend An Illegal Alien And Arrested? Information About Immigration Bail Bonds You Should Be Aware Of

If you have a friend that is an illegal alien that was arrested, the court must grant the illegal alien an immigration bond at their court hearing. The judge will determine the amount of the bond. Once this is done you can then start the process of getting your friend out of jail. Below is information about the types of immigration bonds and how to pay the bond.

Types of Immigration Bonds

The most common type of immigration bond is known as the delivery bond. This works much like a standard bond in that you pay a certain amount and the detainee promises to show up at all immigration hearings. Your friend will stay in the country during the process, which gives them time to hire an immigration attorney and find a good bail bondsman.

Another type of bond is known as the voluntary departure bond. With this, the detainee has the option to leave the country by a specified time. If you pay for a departure bond, you will get your money back once your friend leaves the country. If your friend does not leave, however, you will lose your money.

How to Pay for Immigration Bonds

There are two ways you can pay for immigration bonds including:

  • Cash bond: With this you pay the full bond amount directly to the court. The court then refunds the full bond amount to you if your friend attends all hearings in the immigration court. You can pay a cash bond with cash, U.S. bonds, notes, or a Cashier's check. You have to submit your money to the local U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office for your area. Take your Social Security card with you, as well as a photo ID.
  • Surety bond: If you choose a surety bond you will work with an immigration bail bond agent. The agent will charge a certain percentage of the total bond set by the court. You then pay this money and your friend will be released from jail. The money you put down for this type of bond is not refundable to you in any way, however.

If you are having any kind of problems with immigration bonds and getting your friend released, hire an immigration attorney to help you. This attorney can help you find a bail bond agency if needed, work with the court, and much more to make the process go much quicker for your friend.
