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4 Factors That Come Into Consideration When Bail Is Set

One of the most important questions that a person frequently asks when having to post bail is how the amount of money was determined. This question doesn't have one single answer. The amount of money that a person has to post in order to achieve bail is based on several different factors. The four main factors are listed below.

1. Your Threat To Public Safety

The first factor that is taken into consideration is how much a threat a person will be to public safety. This is usually determined by the judge looking at the type of crime for which a person was arrested. If the crime was nonviolent, then the bail is likely to be relatively low because that person is not considered to be as much a danger to the public as a person who has committed a violent crime. 

2. Your Employment History

Th purpose of the bail is to help ensure that you show up for your court date. If you happen to skip town to avoid authorities and leave town, then you will forfeit the money that you have put up to secure your release. A judge will usually look at your employment history and determine if you have any ties to the area. If you have a good job that you've been working at for a number of years, then you are much less likely to leave town and never come back because there's still a chance that you will be able to reclaim that job after your trial. If you are not regularly employed in the area, then you will be more likely to leave because you have nothing to hold you to the area. The judge will therefore set your bail higher in this case.

3. If You Have People To Speak On Your Behalf

Often, bail will be set lower if your loved ones come and speak on your behalf about your character and about their own ability to make sure that you do not leave town. The judge will see this willingness to speak on your behalf as further guarantee that you will not leave town.

4. If You Have Plans In The Meantime

A judge will be likely to set your bail lower if you have already committed to plans in between the time that you are posting bail and your court date. Some plans that would be considered by the judge to be legitimate would be committing to a volunteer program where you help repair roads or read to the elderly. This will reflect well on your character and show that you are committed to the area.

For more information, talk to a bail bond company like Nickel Bail Bonds.
